Delhi to Agra Distance

The distance between Delhi and Agra is approximately 243 kilometers, making this journey one of India’s most iconic. Travelers often visit Agra to see its historical landmarks such as the Taj Mahal – one of seven Wonders of the World; Agra Fort; Fatehpur Sikri; as well as various transportation options available such as trains, buses, and private taxis.

Delhi to Agra Distance

Mode of Transport Distance (in kilometers) Approximate Travel Time
Train 190 1 hour 40 minutes
Bus 243 4 hours
Car/Taxi 243 3 hours 30 minutes
Motorcycle 243 3 hours
Bicycle 243 12 hours
Walking 243 48 hours


The distance between Delhi and Agra is approximately 243 kilometers, making for an enjoyable journey through some of India’s historical landmarks and cultural heritage sites such as the Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, Fatehpur Sikri, and more. Travelers have various modes of transportation available to them including trains, buses, taxis, motorcycles, bicycles, or walking for this journey – each providing different travel times and experiences – from quick getaways to leisurely excursions along this scenic route through history and architecture of this timeless country.

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